Adobe has announced updates to Adobe Kuler, a cloud-based application for making and exploring color themes. Announced at Adobe MAX, The Creativity Conference, the Kuler Web app has been revitalized.
The new website takes advantage of the latest Web standards to provide users with a richer experience when experimenting with colors. Additionally, the new Kuler iPhone app enables users to snap color inspiration on the go. Creatives can also now sync and immediately use their themes right in Adobe Illustrator CC, part of Adobe Creative Cloud.
“With the new Kuler iPhone app and tablet-friendly website, designers and color enthusiasts can extract colors from virtually any scene: a piece of art, a garden, an outfit in a fashion store ,” says Jill Soley, director of product management for Touch Apps and Services at Adobe. “Kuler now provides creatives with multiple options to capture inspiring color themes whenever they come across them.”
The new free Kuler iPhone app allows users to catch color inspiration no matter where they are. Kuler allows users to extract a theme from what their iPhone camera is seeing, without even taking a photo.
Sync Colors lets you use Kuler and Illustrator to incorporate colors you see around you into your vector artwork. You can sync your favorite themes with the Kuler website, and they’ll be accessible immediately inside Illustrator CC — only available in Creative Cloud.
The new, responsive Kuler website is accessible via desktop or tablet and has been rebuilt and optimized for the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
The Kuler iPhone app and website are both free and available to users in English. For more information go to To create or browse color themes, go to
Illustrator CC with Sync Colors capability will be available on June 17 as part of a release of Adobe Creative Cloud. Creative Cloud membership for individuals is US$49.99 per month based on annual membership; existing customers who own CS3 to CS5.5 get their first year of Creative Cloud at the discounted rate of $29.99 per month. Students and teachers can get Creative Cloud for $29.99 per month.
Single application membership plans for customers, who require only Illustrator CC, are available for $19.99 per month. Special promotional pricing is available for some customers, including CS6 users. Team and Enterprise versions of Creative Cloud are also available.