Spellex Corp. has released Spellex Dictation, a dictionary enhancement for Dragon NaturallySpeaking and other popular speech recognition software. It’s Mac OS X and Windows compatible.

Spellex Dictation allows users to dictate and correctly spell healthcare, legal, and BioScientific and engineering words and phrases. It also allows users to verify both the common English language and specialty terms simultaneously. It’s available in three editions: 

° Spellex Dictation: Medical — a medical enhancement for your speech recognition software that includes more than 70 medical specialties to correctly dictate medical and pharmaceutical words.

° Spellex Dictation: Legal — a legal terminology add-on to enhance your favorite dictation software. You can dictate thousands of legal terms from 35 legal specialties varying from administrative law to wills and more.

° Spellex Dictation: BioScientific – a bioscience enhancement for your speech recognition software. You can dictate thousands of bioscientific words covering more than 50 different bioscience, physical science, engineering, and technology fields.

For more info go to http://tinyurl.com/mq4w5a5 .