publicspace has introduced Vitamin-R 2.39 for OS X. The app breaks down large, vaguely defined tasks into a series of short time slices of between 10 and 30 minutes, each with specific, actionable objectives.

Vitamin-R features an array of highly configurable visual, audio and speech notifications. Version 2.39 adds support for executing AppleScript at strategic points during the time slices.

Vitamin-R 2.39 requires Mac OS X 10.8 or later. The single user version of Vitamin-R is available for $24.99 from the Mac App Store ( and for $24.95 from the publicspace web store ( The web store also offers Family, Business and Enterprise licensing and customers may chose to include a “forever upgrade” with their purchase. Each Vitamin-R web store purchase includes a free license for its companion product, Noise Machine, which is also available separately starting at $4.95