OWC has announced the availability of the new Mercury Extreme Pro 6G SSD in capacities from 240GB up to 4TB. The 2.5-inch SATA SSD is designed for audio, video, photography editing, and production for users who require sustained performance.
Some drives drop to 50-60MB/s after their cache is exhausted, but, according to the folks at OWC,, the Mercury Extreme Pro is up to 10x faster performance than what many drives deliver today after their peak speed is exhausted with as little as 2-3% of the drive written. For Macs or PCs with a 6G SATA drive bay, the Mercury Extreme Pro 6G SSD is the fastest 2.5-inch SSD available today, they add. It delivers sustained real-world tested read/write speeds over 500MB/s throughout its storage capacity
The OWC Mercury Extreme Pro 6G 4TB 2.5-inch SSD is available now at MacSales.com for US$899.75. The Mercury Extreme Pro 6G line starts at 240GB for $79.75.