No Hunger in The Great Hall is a fan-driven 24-hour stream to benefit No Kids Hungry.

Minecraft content creator ImpulseSV will stream for 24 hours to fundraise for the national campaign working to end childhood hunger in America. The marathon begins on Nov. 25 at noon (Eastern) featuring locations and gameplay inspired by the world of Harry Potter, built in collaboration with the Floo Network, a Potter-obsessed build team.

No Hunger in the Great Hall viewers can:

  • Relive the films — Memorable scenes come to life in Minecraft in real-time
  • Drive the action — Every donation can impact the story, from providing aid to sending enemies to attack
  • Lend your wand — Step into the server to defend Hogwarts alongside ImpulseSV
  • Listen to wizards – Hear from actually Harry Potter cast members, like Bonnie Wright (Ginny) and Ekow Quartey (Bem)
  • Choose your house – Answer trivia to earn points for your wizard house in chat

“The idea that there are children out there struggling with hunger hits me hard,” according to the folks at ImpulseSV. “No kid should go through that.”

One in 8 kids in the United States lives with hunger. That’s 9 million children. No Kid Hungry is ending childhood hunger in the U.S. by supporting programs like school breakfast, summer meals, food banks and community groups, and advocating for policies that help feed more kids.

“The holiday season can be a very stressful time for families struggling to make ends meet,” says Tyler Worthington, senior manager at STREAM for No Kid Hungry. “Harry Potter is all about the magic of love, acceptance and hope. This event is for anyone who is inspired to use that spirit to help provide hope and healthy meals to make a difference for kids this holiday season and all year long.”

Last year’s marathon raised $104,582.00, which can provide 1,045,820 meals for children. Viewers are invited to participate during the stream in a safe space garnered by fellow fans and the welcoming ImpulseSV community. A $1 donation can help No Kid Hungry provide 10 meals to kids.

You can register on Tiltify and visit to learn more. Note that No Kid Hungry doesn’t provide individual meals; your donations help support programs that feed kids. Learn more at

Article provided with permission from AppleWorld.Today