Since I can’t cover everything, here are some recommended articles from some other sources:
° From 9to5Mac: Apple’s new FineWoven cases for iPhone 15 are looking like a surefire flop so far. Now, in response to the blowback, Apple has sent a new memo to its retail employees with guidance on how to address customer questions on things like FineWoven’s durability, material structure, and more.
° From MacRumors: Apple’s new FineWoven cases for iPhone 15 models have been heavily criticized since they were released earlier this month, with some customers and media outlets complaining about the fabric exterior being prone to scratches and stains.
° From AppleInsider: Investment firm JP Morgan reports that orders for the iPhone 15 Pro Max are now taking a record 50 days to fulfill on the average.
° From Macworld: Apple has issued two support documents that address potential issues with the iPhone 15.
° From MacVoices Live!: The discussion of usefulness and drawbacks of various social media platforms continues as the latest MacVoices Live! session wraps up.
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