Virtual Internet has announced Virtual 5G Express for macOS, which it says is the Virtual 5G App developed for the desktop market.

According to the folks at Virtual Internet, V5GE delivers the highest performance for multimedia applications, as well as the most secure networking of any Networking App based service for personal communications, financial and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. It’s engineered to be Always-on, without any service interruption. 

The Virtual Internet team says Virtual 5G and Virtual 5GE create 5G over a Global 5G Cloud, which runs over every physical network in the world. V5G and V5GE purportedly work over any connectivity (Wi-Fi, Cellular Radio, Satellite), any connection medium at all. 

V5G and V5GE are designed to deliver Global 5G service over any service provider network, even when the underlying service provider connection isn’t 5G.

Article provided with permission from AppleWorld.Today