Apple has laid off around 120 workers from three of its retail stores in Spain, reports El Salto (translated from Spanish).

The layoffs occurred the retail stores in Puerta del Sol (Madrid), Passeig de Gràcia (Barcelona). El Salto reports that they happened after a “substantial change in working conditions”  approved on July 9 by Fetico and CC OO. 

Fetico is a Independient Federation to represent and defend the interests of Spanish employees in the commerce sector. The Trade Union Confederation of Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) is Spain’s leading trade union, in members and in trade union delegate

The layoffs reportedly took place between July 21 and August 18, the last day to take advantage of the exit conditions offered by Apple: a compensation of 20 days per year worked with a cap of nine monthly payments.

Article provided with permission from AppleWorld.Today