Tag: apple-dell

Apple, Dell best positioned for market share gains

Credit Suisse First Boston said today that growth in the PC market will be moderate in 2005 due to a lack of significant new product introductions, inelasticity of demand and a refreshed installed base. “Specifically, we expect unit growth in 2005 to be 8% following the 11% growth recorded in 2003 and 12% in 2004,” CSFB said. “For 2006, we expect unit growth of 7%.” CSFB said Dell and Apple are best positioned to gain market share this year.

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Apple, not Dell, best bet for investors looking at PC makers

Despite Dell CEO Michael Dell forecasting the demise of Apple back in 2001, some say Apple–not Dell–is now the best bet for investors interested in backing a computer maker. “Long an ugly duckling for investors, the Cupertino, Calif., company has been the soaring swan of the market for the past year. Its stock is up 176 per cent in the past 12 months (it closed yesterday at $70.10), compared with 13 per cent for Dell.

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