Tag: musicmatch

MusicMatch warns of iTunes for Windows problem

MusicMatch on Monday sent out an e-mail to customers warning them that if they install iTunes for Windows they will no longer be able to use the MusicMatch Jukebox software with their iPod. “As a valued Musicmatch customer and iPod user, we want to alert you to a serious software conflict caused by iTunes for Windows,” the company said in the e-mail. “Apple iTunes for Windows prevents Musicmatch Jukebox from working with the iPod by deleting critical files used by Musicmatch.

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MusicMatch discontinues Mac support

MusicMatch announced today that the company would no longer support Mac versions of its software, reports c|net. The company said that starting next week, it would discontinue Mac support for its Jukebox MP3 software and its subscription-based Radio MX service, in order to focus on further Windows development of the software. “It no longer made sense to double our development efforts,” said MusicMatch spokeswoman Jennifer Roberts.

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