Tag: realmac

RealMac releases Aqua Icon Set Volume One

Realmac Software today announced the release of a high quality toolbar icon set targeted to developers. The Set, which is priced at US$99, contains a collection of 32bit ultra high quality icons for Application and Web based projects. “We developed this icon set in an effort to keep costs down for independent developers and allow them to give there application a very professional look,” Daniel Counsel of RealMac told MacMinute. Further information and screenshots of the icon set are available from the Web site.

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Realmac releases Button Builder 4.0

Realmac Software today released Button Builder 4.0, a new version of its software that allows users to create buttons for the Web, Multimedia and FileMaker projects. Button Builder 4.0, which was re-written in Cocoa, offers color overlay, smooth drop shadows, smooth scaling, export to PNG, multi-document support, and text and button transparency. Button Builder requires Mac OS X 10.3 or later and is priced at US$19.95.

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